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Raising the GG4C flag in Africa

Our first campaign on the African continent is showcasing a selection of exceptional golf clubs and golf resorts located throughout southern Africa - 'from Arabella to Zimbali' - and including such prestigious venues as The Durban Country Club, Royal Cape (the oldest club in Africa), Fancourt (the 2003 Presidents Cup host) and Royal Johannesburg & Kensington. The campaign was launched in February 2019 when Nick Edmund, the Founder of Global Golf4 Cancer, visited South Africa.

Support and Awareness: Special Dates and Occasions

Each of the participating golf clubs has been invited to support the 'Golfing Diamonds of Africa' campaign and to raise a Global Golf4 Cancer awareness flag on their 4th hole on each of the four special ‘GG4C Awareness Days’ (4th February – World Cancer Day, 4th April, 4th July and 4th October). Clubs are of course welcome to fly the flag on any additional occasions or events of their choosing.

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Our African Charity Partner

As we seek to develop our campaign in Africa, Global Golf4 Cancer is proud to partner with the South African based charity, Cupcakes of Hope, and to help publicise its groundbreaking 'Cupcakes4KidswithCancer' initiative. Here, you can view two short videos showing how we have partnered for golf days at Royal Johannesburg & Kensington GC and at Zimbali CC.

A Collection of the Finest Golf Clubs and Resorts in Africa

Among the first clubs and resorts to support the 'Golfing Diamonds of Africa' campaign are The Durban Country Club, Mount Edgecombe and Zimbali in Kwazulu Natal; Royal Cape, Arabella, Erinvale, Fancourt, Oubaai, Pearl Valley, Pezula and Pinnacle Point in Western Cape; Sun City in North West Province, and Royal Johannesburg & Kensington, Glendower, Maccauvlei, Copperleaf and Dainfern in Gauteng.

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Proud Partners of
the Seve Ballesteros Foundation
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Main Page Photograph by Matthew Harris / TGPL| Website by The Moving Finger | © 2018 Global-Golf4-Cancer